Why Us?

ADR ACCESS has been developed to facilitate and ensure that everyone has access to the benefits and advantages what ARBITRATION has to offer when it comes to settling disputes cheaply and without delay.


The platform has been designed and developed to ensure a confidential, simple, effortless, affordable and memorable experience for all users. It will take you minutes, from the comfort of your home, to access the ADR platform, create your profile and immediately register your dispute.

To utilize our Platform to resolve their dispute Parties must agree to so in writing. Parties can either include our dispute resolution clause into their agreement from the outset or if they have not included the clause initially, they can download our dispute resolution agreement from the website and sign the agreement. All Parties to the dispute must sign the Arbitration agreement.

Any dispute, commercial and labour related, can be referred to our Platform for resolution through arbitration. However, in terms of legislation, we are unable to assist Parties involved in any dispute relating to a matrimonial cause and status related issue.

Types of commercial disputes include, but not limited to, contractual, competitions, professional, negligence, business, construction, partnerships, reputation, intellectual property, patent and outsourcing disputes.

Types of labour disputes include, but not limited to, contractual issues, misconduct, incapacity, retrenchment, constructive dismissal, unfair dismissal and unfair labour practice disputes.

The platform can now also assist Parties, who have started the litigation process in court but are now frustrated in waiting and unable to finalize their cases, for whatever reason, to refer said matters for arbitration to ADR ACCESS. If Parties are unable to secure a timeous date for the hearing of their cases or the date provided is too far in the distant future they can approach the Registrar for assistance. The rules pertaining to trial and/or application referrals can be downloaded from the website y clicking on RULES.

We have a highly competent and experienced panel of arbitrators who are available to hear disputes once appointed. The panel consists of retired Judges, Senior and Junior Advocates, Senior and Junior Attorneys and a range of experts within various fields of industry.

Not only is our Platform more accessible and effortless to use but we guarantee that by choosing ADR ACCESS you will save money, time and a great deal of frustration when resolving your dispute. Providing communities with a competent and credible arbitration service is our primary purpose.